Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, 29 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Thirteen

Day 13 - Goals

Goals.. Goals... Goals... I'm not really a Goal person. I don't really set goals because I typically don't meet them especially if it's a number goal, Like I'll work out for 20 mins a day. Two weeks later, I'm back in my happy little rut of not working out. So as a solution, I've set some life goals and so far, I've been doing pretty darn good.

Here are some of them.

Natural Birth - Yup call me crazy I don't want the drugs even if the drugs like me. I meet with my OB and told him that I want a natural birth, He said okay, and we'll see how it goes and noted it in my file. I'm glad I have a doula to feed me retarded amounts of information about birth, and I'm pretty stubborn, but hopefully if I need a intervention of some sort it will be because something is really wrong. (Like placenta over the opening. Insta escape hatch!)

Stay at home mom, be the best I can for the kids. - This is a duh moment. I know I won't be a perfect mom but I can sure try.

Finish some sort of schooling - Not that I'll use it to become some sort of career woman, but having the education would be something nice to have if I need it. Who knows maybe once I'm done having kids I'll see what ideas I have, I might just go back to SAIT and finish that Graphics design certificate.

Graduate Institute - I've wanted this one for a while, this may mean dragging bubbles a long with me, which I'm not sure how babies go as far as that one. I'll ask and see. I have until I'm 30 right? 3ish more years. In addition I want more biblical knowledge, since I have a hard time sitting down an reading anything that's not super short like a quick little news thing, I get a lot out of institute lessons I just really like listening to people talk about it.

Go Hiking - This may turn into a once or twice a year thing for me, but I need to hit those mountains or I go through withdraw. (My time in Saskatoon proved this as August came around I broke down into tears about not being able to go hiking) This said I wouldn't mind going once a month during the summer and I'd be very happy to. This summer I'll have to do some waddling on something really easy as I'm discovering that a brisk walking in general is getting to be a bit of a work out.

That's all I can think about right now. Until next time.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Twelve

Day 12 - What you Believe

I believe in Slacking. Yes, this is way late and oddly suiting since it's Easter.

Easter is a wonderful reminder about things I believe in. This Easter, is such a lovely weekend. The sun is shining the weather is warm and so much more. It's just gonna be a great Easter.

I Believe in Eternal Life.

Yup, this is something that has always been with me. Whether your reincarnated or resurrected your existence is not over yet buddy.  Eternal Life is something we all will receive thanks to Christ who died for us. It's a great gift. One we all should be thankful for.

I Believe that Families are Eternal.

Families are meant to be to together forever. At times it's hard to imagine putting up with your little sister or brother forever, but your life just wouldn't be the same with out them. Death is not the end for marriages. They can continue on forever. Wouldn't you want to be with the man/woman you love forever? (Doesn't that make you wanna treat your husband/wife better now too? Nothing like nagging for eternity...) I know I do, and I know someone who is getting sealed to his future wife today in the temple. Congrats!

I Believe in God the Father, and Jesus Christ his Son.

I'm a God head believer. I believe God has his own body, Christ has is own body and are two different individuals but carry a one in mind. God loves us, and his love is so great for us that we can't fully understand. He loves those that reject him, those that accept him. Christ atoned for our sins, mistakes in life so that we can be free of our burdens, so that we can repent and change. Key word CHANGE. There is no repentance with out it. I know that they hear our prayers, and answers them. I know they know our character better then we do. I know that if we truly put our lives into their hands we will become great and that it's only through obedience to his ALL of his commandments (not just some, it's not a Buffet where you pick and choose.) can you then receive all of his blessings, and truly be happy with your life and who you are. I've experienced it with my conversion to Christ, and more so as I keep trying to obey his commandments. (One day I'll get that  Daily scripture study down ONE DAY!!)

I Believe in the Restored Gospel.

"Amos Chapter 8 talks about a great apostasy, after Christ there was a Famine thus full filled this prophesy."

I love that video. I actually when I first joined the church tried to learn it.

I do believe in the Restored Church of Jesus Christ. I believe that Young Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet and that we are lucky to continue to have a Prophet. I know that by their fruits you shall know that they are true prophets of God and not false ones warned in the bible. I know that the fullness of his gospel is on the earth, in his true church, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I checked it out, and here I am.

I Believe in the Articles of Faith.

Which are:
  1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

  2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

  3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

  4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

  5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

  6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

  7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

  8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

  9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

  10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

  11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

  12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

  13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
I Believe there is Truth in all Faiths.

This true, every faith out there has a truth to it, or people wouldn't believe in them.

I Believe Music is a Need.

Music is a need, it's part of everything and has such strong impacts on us. It feeds us if we are sad and energizes us, affects our body, spirit and mind. It's important to make good music choices to listen to as well, because it has such an influence in our lives. Only you can make those musical choices, since everyone is different.

I Believe Friends are Best in Small Numbers.

Married or Single, your friends are your friends. There are some I wish I kept better contact with. (I MISS YOU WAY UP NORTH!!!) There are some I talk with daily. All of them are on a individual biases. I haven't really had a group girlfriend outing for a very long time, but I enjoy the one on one time better. Lets me be close and attentive to them. I love it and it keeps me active.

I Believe in being Open about my Faith.

If I wasn't, then people wouldn't learn what I believe. I believe in wearing my faith on my shoulder like a proud badge. Being open means being accountable and an example with my actions. I do what I do because I believe it.

I could keep going, but I have a lot to do today. So I'll probably catch up on my 15 day Challenge after Easter, if I have time I'll post some more but until then, I'm a busy bee!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Eleven

Day 11 - Favorite TV shows

Oh no.

I've been dreading this one since I first read it. Why? You might ask. Well, I'll tell you it's because I don't watch your standard Cable, because I don't own it. Sitting down and watching TV is typically the last thing I want to do at home. I would rather kill time on Facebook or read then to veg in front of the TV. I don't have "my shows" I need to routinely watch. The closest routinely thing we have is Mike enjoys to watch something while he eats something. Now this is not saying I won't answer the question, but it's more of a "Oh that's nice it's on" type thing when I'm at my parents house or friends house.

Speaking of House. That's one. I enjoy the witty gibbled creepily smart doctor. I always chuckle at it.

Prison Break. It was one I got into while my husband was watching it via Netflix. Third season kinda sucks though.

Arrested Development. Just pure win.

Those are the most recent ones.. kinda shows how much I watch TV hey? Oh well.

15 day Challenge, Day Ten

Day 10 - Something you're afraid of

Something you're afraid of. Well, this is an interesting question, mainly because being afraid of something can really range. From creepy crawlies to something others find common place (Balloons!) to seemingly traumatic ordeals. So, what am I afraid of?

I have something in each of the area's I described, now which one do I want to share so the whole world knows? That's kinda scary in it's own way.

I'm afraid of falling from tall places. I hate it, so much. Nothing like that sick feeling as your stomach finds it's way into your throat as you fall off of a tree, bridge, diving board and more. So building up the courage to "let go" and fall is a really big deal for me. The same goes if I feel like I'm going to fall. I freeze right up and move very, very slowly.

There you go. Human nature at it's finest.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Nine

Day 9 - Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Well, regrettably I have an Ipod, so I can do this one to the T.

1. He Sent his Son, Mormon Tabernacle Choir

2. Naked in the Rain, Red Hot Chili Peppers

3. 24, Jem

4. Groove Is in The Heart, Deee-Lite ( Apparently my Theme song from quiz thing back in the Day )

(Funky, funky Video, hmmm oldschool)

5. No Me Dejes De Querer ("Flores" Del Caribe Mix), Gloria Estefan

6. Losing My Way, Justin Timberlake

7. My Love, Justin Timberlake/T.I (Clean)

8. Fantasya, Rober Miles (Dreamland)

9. The Kids Aren't Alright, The Offspring

10. Soldier Side, System Of A Down

It's clean, no dirty words :) This is an awesome song.

That's a pretty good selection, the 11th was Minas Morgul from LOTR, return of the king. My Ipod has a bit of everything. As you can tell. I posted the songs so you can take a listen.

15 day Challenge, Day Eight

Day Eight - A place you've traveled to

Apparently I needed to fix the spelling on this one or just the grammar because it said 'A place you're traveled to'. Which is kind of confusing.

Anyhow, A Place I've traveled to. I have to say this one is kinda hard, I don't do a lot of traveling. Sure I've been out of the country a bunch but mostly it's been to the States down to Utah. The best part? I don't mind at all. I'm not one of those young people that needs to see the world while I'm young, I can wait til I'm older. This could come and bite me in the rear though if the world really does end in 2012, but I don't think it will. Why? This comic.

Anyways on to the purpose of the post.

I think my favorite place I've been, has to be Daniels summit Utah. There, one of Mike's friends owns a cabin that values close to 3 million dollars. It's freaking HUGE. The logs are from Canada, it's in the mountains, there's hiking/Snowmobiling and more right across the highway. It's a great place, to get away from people for a while because Cell phones don't work up there (Means the phone actually detaches from Mike's hip) which is nice. I don't have any pictures of it but maybe one day because I'm sure we'll go there again.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Seven

Day 7 - Favorite movies

Oh boy. Hmm. Well, so many good ones how to narrow them down. I enjoy good movies like the next person, but I've been told I do have some strange tastes. So I'm going list 5 of them.

1. Transformers, the old school released in the 1980's (anyone who knows me saw this coming.)
2. Up, Pixar.
3. The Spirit.
4. Business of being born.
5. Finding Nemo

Monday, 11 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day Six

Day 6 - A song that makes you cry

Well, since I forgot to do one yesterday, this one is catch up. Now.. Not a lot of songs make me cry, but the fact is it did happen. So, I'll list the typical one that usually will do it.

How Great thou Art.

This song has great, great meaning to me. It was the song played at my Grandfathers funeral, it was the song that brought on the spirit to me so strongly at that baptism, I can't help but cry when I hear a live performance.

15 day Challenge, Day five

Day 5 - Pictures of things that make you happy

Hmmmmm, lots of things make me happy so this might be a bit, big.

 Old Cars! They are just so much fun. Especially the little Nash Rambler. Beep beep! Pictures taken by me at a Utah Car show.


General Conference. I always feel happy during this time. Nothing like the feelings of the Spirit testifying to you the truth of what the Apostles and Prophet are saying. Pictures taken by me at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City.

 The sky! Sunsets, Sun rises, Full moon, Stary nights, Cloudy days all of it! There is always something interesting in the sky, and I love well done photos of them too! Pictures taken by Me, One in Bountiful Utah, the other Calgary from my apartment.


The Temple! Well, more like Temples! Nothing beats the feeling of being inside the house of the lord. They are a marvel and a spectacular thing to look at, whether they are lit up at night or if's a wonderful sunny day. The following temples shown are Cardston Alberta ( Taken by Mitchell Dumke ), Bountiful Utah ( Taken by me ), Salt Lake City ( Taken by me, yet again )

 Artistic Photography, and Art in general. I enjoy cool photographs and art, what can I say. It's interesting and something I admire of other people who can do it well. It has a minor set back, after taking a few photography classes I'm highly critical of photographs. Oops. Art on the other hand I'm not, mainly because I have a hard time making. I am a fan of some bizarre art like the chandelier on the right. Photo's taken by me, jail is from a set built for Santa Baby 2, Chandelier in a hotel at Park City Utah.

Animals!!! Oh how I love thee. Even though you furry types stuff up my nose and sometimes make my skin itchy. I can't help myself. Just so love able. I always like to get as close as I can to wild animals too, like deer, Bunnies, Gophers, Snakes and I do draw the line at things like Bears, a long with other sharp toothed creatures (Snakes I'll try and make a judgment call) Photo's done by me yet again, Scamper, Columbus, and Gus.

Hmmmmm sushi.... The only kind I can have at the moment California rolls. I greatly enjoy many other types and I love going out with the girl friends to eat some up! Picture taken by me, from my phone. Woo.

Being married. I love Mike. He's an amazing man and I'm so glad we where sealed in the temple. It's been the best choice I've ever made, even if I wasn't sure about how he slowly kept on bumping up the date on me. I'm so thankful for everyone who came, and I was overwhelmed with all the support that was shown. My Favorite is of the one of Mike dipping me since he doesn't even remember doing it. Pictures by Andrea Barnes and her mother whose full name escapes me at the moment.

Mountains! I love mountains. I enjoy seeing them in the skyline. I enjoy hiking in them once in a while but at least once a summer otherwise I suffer a mountain withdrawal as I discovered from last summer. Where I was in Saskatoon and couldn't see them or go hiking in them. Had a little bit of a breakdown.. A little one. Picture of Chief Mountain by Mitchell Dumke.

It's Bubbles! This little (not so little when you look at my belly) human has provided an awful lot of fun for me. From the early weeks when he proceeded to make me rather gassy in turn causes me to burp a lot, this has continued through out my pregnancy, (Hence the name Bubbles,) to kicking Mike's butt, to the strange sensation of being Adjusted by my sister, and so much more. The Market Mall Lab did this one. Yay, Ultrasounds!

There is more, far more. I enjoy so much and so much makes me happy. You could say I'm fairly easy to please, but my mind is not that simple I swear.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day four

Day 4 - Something you're looking forward to

I'm looking forward to mother hood.  Which is kinda funny considering, I never wanted to be a stay at home mother when I was younger. I connected stay at home mom with the classic woman slave stuck in the kitchen, trying to raise kids screaming about the house, while the husband went off to work clueless of all the things that went on in the home, and treated her with a lack of respect.

Now, I want nothing more to have a career of the life of a stay at home mom. I didn't realize how important it is to kids to have some one there for them. It really affects them and makes worlds of a difference. And not to just have a body just there, but some one who spends quality time with the kids. Connection is really important. I want to do that and be that person.

I often feel like kids don't get the attention they need from adults. Which can led to disruptive kids because they are trying to do simply grab the attention of their parents, even if that means getting negative attention. This is also not to say some kids are over demanding in their need for attention from their parents. Example. mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mommy, MOM! MOM! You get the idea.

Friday, 8 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day three

Day 3 - Your siblings and parents

Hmmmm family family... Where to start.

This is my mom. A great woman. She's smart knows her way with nuclear physics and she helped pioneer women in the Engineering program at the U of A. She loves books. She loves books so much that it became to be expectant that we would receive them as gifts for any occasion. I, to this date, never have to go out and get a good book of information on whatever is going on in my life. I have the pile of cook books to prove it when I suspected she was trying to marry me off.

This is my Dad. I bet you can't guess what he likes to do. Where my mom dominates in academia, my dad makes up for his lack of education in life skills. I feel really lucky to have had such a difference in parents. It gave me a unique view early on as a kid. My dad raised us as Mr. Mom. while mom went to work. My dad really wanted some son's, but three tries landed him with 3 girls. So he made the best of it. We turned into Tomboys. I probably should slap one up with my dad at my wedding. That way it'd be themed, but my dad's first time in a tux just doesn't fit.

Snuggle, huggle! The love of a middle child. This happens anytime I get near her. Jackie has a very caring heart. Any time me and my youngest sister would fight she would get so upset. If she liked/s something, anything, good luck getting her out of it. Jackie when she discovers something she enjoys, she does it. A lot. If it's something she doesn't like, good luck trying to get her to do it.

The youngest! She's so gonna kill me too for using this photo, but it's my personal favorite. We never got along very well as kids. I'd try and tell her what to do, she wouldn't listen, I'd get mad, she'd get mad, I wouldn't back off, she wouldn't back off. You get the picture. However, the years turned on and eventually she ended up living with me in the apartment. That's when our relationship finally matured. This picture reminds me of that all the time. FISHY FACE!!!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day two

Day 2 - Something that stresses you out.

Me? Stress? Whaaaaat?

This one is pretty darn hard for me, I tend to be pretty laid back and try not to get worked up about things. So if I'm stressed something really really is bugging me.

So after pondering about it for a bit, this is one thing I think stresses me out.


I hate moving, the whole process. Finding a new place to stay, packing up, moving it, finding help move it, paying for the U-haul, fitting stuff in there, hoping stuff doesn't break, moving it in to the new place, making sure the new place is clean enough to place stuff, unpacking, organizing, and oh so much more.

I didn't move as a kid. In fact, my mom still lives in the very house that I grew up in. It was wonderful having a stable place to live, despite the many unstable things that happened in my life there. My parents split, my mom re married in that house, (to a major jerk might I add, very thankful he's not part of my life anymore), I had to try and take care of my sisters (one of which never, ever cooperated. You know who you are.) while my mom worked, it was just chaos. Oh, we can't forget the ever going renovations as well. In the end it was home, and it always was in the same spot, so no matter where we are we know where it is.

So needless to say, when I got married and found my self whisked to new place, only in a few months to be whisked away to another place, I didn't like it. I am so thankful that this summer we don't have to move. I don't think I would deal with it very nicely being pregnant which has thrown a lot of my thinking more emotional then logical.

Fun times.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

15 day Challenge, Day one

Self portrait picture, and 15 interesting facts.

 I literally just took this, and this post is a day late already. I got a little caught up in my family history yesterday spending 6 hours fiddling around with the family search website. I decided I wanted to add one of the most important possessions I own. That old teddy bear I've had since I was 11 days old. He's been with me through some of my most important moments in my life, sad, happy, sick, healthy, kinda like an awesome husband only no one can replace Mike. He produces heat and is well, living. Having that teddy in this picture helps show how loyal I am. Sure I've lost him once in a while, but I always find him again. I treat my really good and close friends the same way. Even if we get lost, we'll find each other again.

On to the facts about me. So here we go.

Fact 1. I am Chinese. 

Well to be clear, I'm 1/8 Chinese. I may have to take a picture of the picture we have of my great, great, great grandfather and post it up here. I think it comes from my grandmothers family whose mother came from a Chinese mother. If this is wrong I'll totally correct when I start looking on her side of the family. Either way when I came into the world looking a bit yellow, I scared the doctors and they had me tested for Liver problems. Turns out, they didn't expect me to look a little Asian.

Fact 2. I write Fan Fiction.

Yup, I started about 3 years ago. I can't express how much my overall writing has progressed, let alone my story plotting. I created most of my characters based on a game I play called City of Hero's. Only recently have I begun to create characters that are able to stand outside of the City of Hero's world. Maybe one day I'll write a book, in the mean time practice is fun. I'll even share a post I made to a forum. The piece is titled "Dream Safe." for my favorite character Ashlyn.

'I do this all the time. It's important. The guiding of the pencil upon the pad of paper, the soft scratching noise as the lead adds shades of gray to bring about an image. I've been doing this for a while. Feeling the smile upon my face as I completed the drawing. This one I found to be really interesting. I think I will find very interesting things in this school.

I had to record this, he was doing it before I even started to do anything, but I watched anyways. Sometimes its just nice to watch and be unnoticed. I won't lie, it was kinda gross but sometimes, that how they are. Rummaging in and organ fridge replacing his parts. It was interesting, because he looked normal but he really wasn't.

My finger tips trace the edge of the paper as I inspect the art work. Blood, metal, organs and he was in action of replacing it. It worked enough for me. So I couldn't forget and now I could recreate it for him. If I wanted to. Maybe I will. See what he does when he finishes instead of getting knocked out by me.

Upon knee I lean over to peer under the desk I am at. There it is. My little safe. Holding two pieces of art work I put them upon the safe. Pulling on the sides I pull it out. It's beige sides greet me as the lights in the room meet it. I pull out the key from a drawer and open the safe. I pull out the two other papers and place them all side by side.

The first is my favorite. It is long and really tells the story well. A small chest, with strange markings on it opened. I used red for that one, for the orb that was found was glowing red. The walls were neat as well, Old hooded mages carved into it. I helped her sleep. She wasn't sleeping well. I put the Art back into the safe.

The second, an open field. With long prairie grass and floating fuzzy seeds all about. In the center and man dressed in white, in the lotus position taking the beautiful view in. He knew. He knew right away it was me. I don't fully trust him. No nobody just knows. That's not how it works. I think now there is more to him then he realizes. He thought it was another world. I'll let him think that. I'm not ready to tell everyone.

The third, was really simple. A hand holding a chain that was coming out of a chest. Switching places with the organ art, now they were in order. I pile them and put them into the safe. Closing it and locking it I slide it back under the desk. I return the key to the drawer.

I'm tired, I need some sleep. I can't sleep alone.. So I get up and start to look for someone who is sleeping.'

Fact 3. I like Old Things

From old cartoons, like Transformers and She-ra, to Old appliances, like the 1950's GE Toaster I'm trying to fix or the 3 1970's or older sewing machines I have, I just cannot get enough of them. Nothing thrills me more then to walk into some grandparents house and see all the little antique's decorating the place. Porcelain dolls, old tools, old toys and all sorts. It's what made Santa Baby such fun to work on, they had some REALLY old stuff there and it was amazing. I think the oldest thing I own was given to me from my dad, it's an old hymn book in French published in 1918 (I think). From what I can tell it belonged to a Albert Bascher, and my dad found it somewhere. You can't read the front but the inside pages are just fine. 

Or the oldest thing I have is this hat, made when you had to go to a hat store and they made you a hat just for your head, no tags at all on the inside. If I remember right this one was ordered and made in Edmonton? Still has it's personal Hat box too! Made from mink, and it has this lovely place for your hair bun so it wouldn't ruin it.

Fact 4. I'm in the Movies!

Not that it's really a big deal, I'm not with any actual lines or anything. Just a happy background grunt to help fill the scene for the Director so things look busy. I have however gotten the great chance to meet some pretty famous people, in which I'm thankful I'm not someone who really cares about Celebrity Gossip, otherwise I think I would have been far more starstruck. Which would have led to a far more embrasing moment, in stead I watched this one background extra force herself to squeeze behind Tori Spelling, her two kids and Dean McDermott watched as this girl almost spilled her lunch all over the three, just so she could sit beside them.

Here's the list of some the Flicks I've been an Extra for, since I don't remember them all.
Touch the Top of the World
Resurrecting the Champ
Santa Baby
Santa Baby 2

Monday, 4 April 2011


15 Day Challenge

It's such a good idea! I've been watching a blog that's doing this (You know who you are!), she's influenced me with Root beer floats so it's sure to be a good thing! I've had a lot on my mind and I haven't really been able to sort out the mess that's up there. Hopefully this helps. Might mean I'll blog more then once a day.

Be prepared to learn things about me!
15 day challenge
Day 1 - Self portrait picture, and 15 interesting facts

Day 2 - Something that stresses you out

Day 3 - Your siblings and parents

Day 4 - Something you're looking forward to

Day 5- pictures of things that make you happy

Day 6 - A song that make you cry

Day 7 - Favorite movies

Day 8 - A place you're traveled to

Day 9 - Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Day 10 - Something you're afraid of

Day 11 - Favorite tv shows

Day 12 - What you believe

Day 13 - Goals

Day 14 - Some pictures you love

Day 15 - pictures of your dream house